Francesco Gibertini e gli albori della fotografia a Napoli. Dal teatro di figura ai ritratti al dagherrotipo

Fabio Speranza (Direzione Regionale Musei Campania, Museo di San Martino di Napoli)


The invention of photography was immediately reflected in scientific and academic circles in Naples, as in other Italian cities. The capital of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies soon became the destination of many itinerant daguerreotypists. Among them, Francesco Gibertini was one of the first to choose Naples as the seat of his business in 1842. The essay aims to reconstruct, on the basis of unpublished documents, his professional activity as well as his complex biography, which saw him debut in Parma as a ceroplast and then establish himself in Naples as a photographer and an esteemed Freemason.

DOI: 10.4424/rsf2021-10


Gilbertini, Francesco; Naples; Daguerreotype; Albumen print; Photographic portrait; Masonry.

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