Fotografia, teatro, performance: iconografie, dispositivi e pratiche di scambio dagli anni Sessanta a oggi. Introduzione
This text introduces the monographic issue dedicated to the relationship between photography, theatre, and the performing arts, focusing in particular on the Italian context from the 1960s onwards. While they address different theoretical questions and specific case studies, as a whole these essays set out to explore some of the potentialities arising from the intersection of these two forms of expression: theatre photography, between document and interpretation of the stage; the use of images as dramaturgical support; the visual device of performance; the remediation of the image in contemporary productions; the performativity of the gaze. In addition to presenting the texts of this issue, this introduction aims to contextualize the main questions, evolution, and perspectives of this multifaceted field of study.
DOI: 10.4424/rsf2022-2
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