Disfare l’immagine: performance e fotografia in Liquidi di Lucia Poli (1976)

Giada Cipollone (Università Iuav di Venezia)


The article suggests an analysis of the relationship between performance and photography in the piece Liquidi by Lucia Poli (1976). After introducing the intersection between the field of photography and experimental theatre in the 1970s, the analysis will focus on the performance Liquidi, which stages a model, played by Lucia Poli, and a photographer during a photo shoot. The piece conceives photography as a medium that only reproduces erotic images of the female body. The performance, the performativity, is instead viewed as an escape strategy, a chance for the body to “undo” its traditional image and “portray” itself otherwise.

DOI: 10.4424/rsf2022-7


Theatre photography; Performance; Performativity.

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